Contact us

Radiant Heart After-Care for Pets

Phone: 360-778-9578

E-mail: [email protected]

Address: 801 W. Orchard Drive, Suite 3 / Bellingham, WA, 98225 (map)

 Office Hours:

Finding our Facility:

  • Our facility is located in the Orchard Business Park, just off the Guide Meridian, at 801 W. Orchard Drive, Suite 3.
  • W. Orchard Drive intersects Guide Meridian 1/2 mile south of I-5 and one block north of Birchwood Avenue.
  • Once you have turned onto W. Orchard Drive from Guide Meridian, go approximately 1/4 mile and take the 3rd possible right (look for Radiant Heart’s sandwich-board sign).
  • ***DO NOT TURN AT SIG’S FUNERAL HOME!  Go to the next driveway.
  • Building 801 will be on your right. Suite 3 is toward the middle of the building.
  • There is a “LOADING ZONE ONLY” parking space for your use.