PREMIUM After-Care Package

At Radiant Heart, every order is a “special order.”  This means that your pet’s after-care package (what is returned to you) is completely unique for your pet.  Radiant Heart offers a wide range of memorials, and your pet’s after-care package is whatever you want it to be.

We do offer a pre-defined Premium After-Care Package add-on that is a simple but meaningful collection of traditional memorials:

  • Your pet’s clay paw print – baked, sanded and ready to hang or display
  • Your pet’s ink print (your choice of paw OR nose, or both for an extra fee) printed on card stock and suitable for framing; impression stored as a digital file. 
  • A clipping of your pet’s fur that is carefully and lovingly layerd and displayed in a paper mache heart box.

Like any memorial we offer, the Premium After-Care Package is available for any pet, regardless of whether or not cremated remains are returned.